LMRC - Curriculum Implementation
- I have questions about implementing the LMRC at our site and would like to speak to someone before completing the interest form.
- We have several interested residency specialties and/or geographical sites all within the same institution. Does each specialty or site need to apply separately?
- What support will we receive from the LMRC team to help us implement the curriculum at our site?
- Can you clarify what the LMRC site support calls entail – who attends, how long they are, and what is on a typical agenda?
- How many months will we need to implement the LMRC?
- When we start implementing the LMRC, how do we manage the variety of PGY level residents the first 1-2 years?
- How is the patient encounter requirement typically met, given limitations in clinical opportunities, and what exactly counts as a lifestyle medicine visit?
- I see a requirement for 10 hours of ITLC/TLC program experience and 10 hours of group facilitation experience. What if our residency does not have ITLC/TLC and/or group opportunities for residents?
- We think that some residents and fellows outside our core residency program will want to participate in the LMRC. What allowances are there to involve other GME programs within our system?
- What obstacles arise in scaling and expanding LMRC implementation across programs?
- We are concerned that we do not have the lifestyle medicine skills and education as faculty to teach lifestyle medicine to our residents.
- We are concerned our residency program does not have enough time to integrate the LMRC into our already existent program. How have other residency programs navigated meeting the requirements?
- Our site currently implements several lifestyle medicine initiatives that overlap with the LMRC. Can we skip those modules within the LMRC?
- Is the LM Board Review Manual part of the certification process for residents?
- Can International Medical Graduate (IMG) physicians participate in the LMRC?