By registering and enrolling into any ACLM course or event, you agree to the following non-exhaustive policies as part of ACLM's Education Terms of Use:
1. Your login is for you only – Sharing your username or password with others is prohibited
2. You cannot share any content – No one but the learner who is registered has permission to access or view the materials
3. You cannot download, save or print any content other than for personal use – This includes screenshots, screen recordings or printed format
Failure to comply with the full Terms of Use will result in immediate termination of your access to the training content and its materials without prior notice.
-You cannot share your login credentials with colleagues or friends
-You cannot share pictures of the slides or show videos from the training to a person or group
-You cannot upload any part of the content on a website, such as a social media group or discussion forum
-You cannot share any part of the content electronically or in printed form
-You cannot creative derivative works from ACLM course materials