American Board of Lifestyle Medicine Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physicians (DipABLM):
To certify as an ABLM Lifestyle Medicine Physician, there are two pathways:
- Experiential Pathway: ABMS/AOA board eligible for 2+ years; Canadian physicians must be certified and registered to practice
- Educational Pathway: Completion of the Lifestyle Medicine Residency Curriculum (LMRC), the Faculty Learner Lifestyle Medicine Residency Curriculum (FLMRC), or an ABLM–Approved Lifestyle Medicine Educational Equivalency Pathway
International Board of Lifestyle Medicine Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physicians (DipIBLM):
To certify as an IBLM Lifestyle Medicine Physician, you must hold an MD, MBBS or equivalent degree. Your certification will be issued by the IBLM and your country Lifestyle Medicine organization (provided they meet the Lifestyle Medicine Global Alliance sister status criteria.)
Eligibility questions? Please email