The educational component is 100 hours with 40 hours of virtual didactic units and 60 hours of application activities that can be delivered over a one- to three-year time period. Residency programs are encouraged to provide dedicated didactic time for completion of these units.
40 hours of virtual didactic units:
Each virtual didactic unit consists of two quizzes, interactive content, and one survey. The interactive content is approximately 60 minutes in length and can be completed asynchronously by each resident.
60 hours of application activities:
Prescribed Application Activities: LMRC participants must complete 40 hours of prescribed application activities. Prescribed application activities are listed in the Application Activity Module Guide for each of the 10 modules. The number of prescribed application activity hours required per module correlates directly with the number of virtual didactic units included within the module. (Example: Module 1 contains 3 virtual didactic units so 3 hours of prescribed application activities are required for Module 1.)
Flexible Application Activities: LMRC participants must complete 20 hours of flexible application activities that reinforce content covered throughout LMRC Modules 1–10. Flexible application activities are listed in the Application Activity Overview. The flexible application activities requirement allows LMRC participants to tailor individual learning opportunities to pursue specific interests within the field of lifestyle medicine and to bolster certification exam preparedness.